Dog Training Secrets

Dog training and obedience

Even if you are strictly a cat person, it is impossible not to praise the loyalty of a dog. Also known as, “man’s best friend” dogs have proven time and time again that their loyalty to their owners is commendable. However, not every dog is essentially friendly and calm by nature. Just like any other animal, dogs need to be trained as well. In fact, training the dog is a part of the responsibility of every dog owner; it is very important so that the dog does not create problems for the owner and other people around him.
There are a lot of different types of Dog Training, for instance, basic Dog Obedience training or police dog training, and dogs are capable of learning so many things because of their high I.Q level. Dog Training does not have to be hard or expensive; you can easily learn it over the internet, and train your dog yourself, step by step.
Basic Dog Obedience Training
It is imperative that every dog owner trains his dog to be obedient. Following are some of the basic commands that the dog should be trained to follow:
1. Sit
2. Stay
3. Fetch
4. Down
There are a lot of different techniques to train a dog such as, reward training, marker training, positive reinforcement, collar and leash, and clicker training. You can choose any technique of training you want to, but the appropriate training should achieve the following:
1. It should build a close and strong relation between the dog and its owner.
2. The dog should be obedient to the owner, and listen to any command the owner gives under any circumstances. It is very difficult to control a disobedient dog, and such a dog can often embarrass its owner in public.
3. It should also prevent any inappropriate behavior of the dog, for instance, biting, excessive barking, digging, chewing etc.
The benefits of properly training the dog are numerous, and it is probably the best possible thing that you can do, for you and your dog. Following are some tips that will help you in training your dog:
1. Be consistent. It’s the key to training your dog; repeat the same thing over and over again.
2. Try to find out what motivates your dog; the source of motivation might vary from dog to dog.
3. Try to make each training session short and fun.
4. Do not shout or yell at your dog if they do something wrong.


Free dog training secrets